Wednesday - Oct. 18
7AM - 9AM Breakfast*
Hotel Parlor - Room 602
7AM - 9AM Registration Check-in
Hotel Lobby Boardroom
9AM - 9:30AM Driver's Meeting
Hotel Lobby
9:30AM Depart for Buc-ee's Texas
10AM - 11AM Buc-ee's Texas City
11AM Depart for Galveston
Railroad Museum
11:30AM - 1:30PM Galveston Railroad
Museum & Lunch*
1:30PM - 3PM Seawall Photo Op., and
Lucky Lounge Open House
3PM - 7PM Free time to explore
7PM - 10PM Event Kickoff and Happy
Hour Taco Bar*
Paradise Reef Restaurant
Wednesday, please join us in the hospitality suite, room 602, for a light breakfast and morning socializing before we meet in the lobby to discuss traveling to the Galveston Railroad Museum. Drivers will depart at approximately 9:30AM.
Along the way, drivers will stop at Buc-ee's, the world's largest gas station for some ethanol free gas and some snacks or souvenirs.
Upon entering the museum, you will receive a wrist band and entry ticket.
Lunch by ShyKatz will be served at the Galveston Railroad Museum. Attendees will then depart to the Galveston Seawall** for a photo opportunity along the beach followed by an optional visit to Lucky Lounge for a 2-for-1 beverage special just for our attendees and relaxation with one of our friendly advertisers. Parking on Seawall Blvd. near Lucky Lounge from 8th to 14th St. Flaggers will be present to direct parking, so please have your headlights on. Spend the afternoon visiting your friends or exploring Galveston, and return to South Shore Harbour Resort at your own pace.
We will reconvene as a group in the hotel restaurant for our event kickoff, taco bar, and happy hour!
*Food included with registration
** Please note that parking is no-charge at the Galveston Railroad Museum, and parking along the Galveston Seawall may be paid for by phone/app